
Acanthosaura capra

Green Pricklenape

Acanthosaura capra (Günther, 1861)
Near Threatened (IUCN)

Basic info

Common names
  • Two-horned Mountain Horned Dragon
  • Green Pricklenape
Species nameAcanthosaura capra
Scientific nameAcanthosaura capra Günther, 1861
Acanthosaura capra
Max SVL 5.4 inch

Further Reading

Temperatures & Season

Day time temperatures

Background summer23 - 28 °F
Background winter18 - 22 °F
Basking spot30 - 32 °F

Night time temperatures

Background summer18 - 22 °F
Background winter14 - 18 °F


Winter treatmentcooling
Photoperiod summer13 hours
Photoperiod winter11 hours


Microhabitats are specific small habitats that an organism inhabits within its broader environment. These can vary greatly depending on the species and can give us insights into the preferred living conditions of each reptile. Understanding these microhabitats can be key to providing the correct care for these animals in captivity.

  • Sa

Ferguson Zones

Ferguson Zones are a way to classify the amount of UV light that reptiles are exposed to in their natural habitats. These zones help us understand and replicate their natural light conditions in captivity, promoting the health and wellbeing of the reptiles. Below, we detail the specific Ferguson Zones of the Chinese Water Dragon, along with recommendations for replicating these conditions

The Ferguson Zone in which the Green Pricklenape has been placed has been chosen based upon an assessment of its typical basking behaviour and likely microhabitat in the wild.

Crepuscular or share dweller
UVI range avarage: 0-0.7, UVI max recorded: 0.6-1.4

Recommended lighting methods in captivity

Shade method

This method provides low-level 'background' UV at levels matching the Ferguson Zone Range, over a large portion of the enclosure. The highlighted area in the table below represents this range for the Green Pricklenape.


More in-depth information about Ferguson zones can be found here: https://jzar.org/jzar/article/view/150

Community collected distribution (73 occurrences)


These are the biomes the Green Pricklenape was found in. Click here to learn more about terrestrial ecoregions and biomes.

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  1. Baines, F.M., Chattell, J., Dale, J., Garrick, D., Gill, I., Goetz, M., Skelton, T. and Swatman, M. 2016. How much UVB does my reptile need? The UV-Tool, a guide to the selection of UV lighting for reptiles and amphibians in captivity. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research. 4, 1 (Jan. 2016), 42–63. DOI:https://doi.org/10.19227/jzar.v4i1.150.
  2. Acanthosaura capra Günther, 1861 in GBIF Secretariat (2021). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei accessed via GBIF.org
  3. Günther, A. Second list of Siamese reptiles.
  4. Blackwell, Publishing & Ltd, & Meiri, Shai. (2008). Evolution and ecology of lizard body sizes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 17. 724-. 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2008.00414.x.
  5. iNaturalist. Available from https://www.inaturalist.org
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